
About this tutorial

Welcome – to learn you a “Haskell”, for great good! … 💡

If you’re reading this, – chances – are: you want to learn “Haskell” … Well; you’ve came to the right place, – but let’s talk (about this tutorial) a bit, first? … ✋

I decided to write this – because I wanted to solidify my own knowledge (of “Haskell”), and – because I thought: I could help people (new, to “Haskell”) to learn it, from my perspective! 👨‍🎓

Reasons for creation ☝

There – were quite a few tutorials (on “Haskell”, floating around the “Internet” 🌐). When I was starting out (in “Haskell”) – I didn’t learn from just one resource; the way I learned – was through reading different tutorials (and articles), because each one explained something in another way! 🎭

By going – I was able put to together the pieces; and – it all just came falling, into place 🧩 … So, this – is an attempt at adding another useful resource (for, learning “Haskell”); – so – you – will have a bigger chance, of finding one you like! ♥ ♠ ♣ ♦

Experience to have 🎓

This tutorial – is aimed at people, who have experience in imperative programming languages (“C”, “C++”, “Java”, “Python”, …), – but – haven’t programmed in a functional language (“Haskell”, “ML”, “OCaml”, …). ♥ ♠

Although (I bet that) even if you don’t have any “significant” programming experience – a smart person (such, as yourself) will be able to follow along – and – learn “Haskell”! 💪

IRC channel ⚡

The channel “#haskell” (on the “Free Node” Net-Work) – is a great place to ask questions, if you’re feeling “stuck”. 👁‍🗨

People there – are extremely nice, patient, and understanding (to newbies). 🗨🧞‍♀️🧞‍♂️

Author’s opinion 👾

I failed to learn “Haskell” approximately 2 times (before finally “grasping” it) – because it all just seemed too weird to me, and I didn’t get it. 🖇

But then (once) – it just “clicked”; and (after getting over that initial “hurdle”) it was pretty much a smooth “sailing” 🛶 … I guess, what I’m trying to say – is: “Haskell” – is great, – and (if you’re interested, in programming) you should really learn it (even – if it seems weird, at first). 👻

New paradigm 👽

Learning “Haskell” – is much like learning to program for the first time: it’s fun! 🎓 … It forces you to think differently (which – brings us to the next section). ✨